Independent pharmacists and Big Pharma are working to undermine employer-sponsored healthcare plans to increase their profits at the expense of employers and employees.

Forcing Patient Prescription Surcharges

To maximize and guarantee themselves profits, independent pharmacists are pushing for standalone “dispensing fees” to charge Maryland patients for medication even when it’s fully covered by their insurance.  That’s a pill Maryland families and businesses won't swallow.

Eliminating Prescription Drug Discounts

With prescription drug prices at an all-time high, prescription drug discounts are important now more than ever. But what is good for Maryland families is not good for the bottom line of Big Pharma and Independent pharmacies.  Every year these special interest groups work to eliminate the ability of self-funded plans to incentivize shopping at pharmacies with lower prices. Maryland lawmakers are considering outlawing the use of those incentives, using government control to rewrite private contracts.

Encourage Price Gouging Practices For Specialty Drugs

On average, each year, patients and insurers in the United States spend $1,200 per person on prescription drugs forcing some families to dig deeper into their pocketbooks or forgo critical treatment. For specialty drugs, the cost is even higher, and Big Pharma and Independent pharmacists want to keep it that way. Independent pharmacies can overcharge on specialty drugs, and their lobbyists have worked to ban measures to control specialty drug costs in Maryland.

Attacking Mail-Order Rx

Many of Maryland's home-bound rely on mail-order prescription drugs, which are often cheaper and are delivered to their homes at regular intervals. But independent pharmacists and Big Pharma are attacking incentives to use mail-order prescription services in Maryland to increase their profits.

Removing Patient Protections

Consumers deserve protection. That's why important industries such as banking and automotive are regulated to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse.  The place where you pick up your prescription drugs should be as well. Every year Independent pharmacists and Big Pharma work to remove protections such as tools for auditing for waste, fraud, and abuse in pharmacies. These critical protections help keep patients safe and rates affordable for Maryland families and businesses.

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Save our Benefits Maryland is a coalition of Maryland leaders dedicated to keeping health benefits affordable and accessible for employers and employees.

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